PetPaint Founder Abe Geary Awarded Pet Age 40 under 40

A big, HUGE congratulations to our client and friend Abe Geary!

Not only is he the founder of the super fun PetPaint, colored furspray for dogs… BUT he was just awarded the coveted “40 under 40” awards from Pet Age Magazine! The Pet Age 40 under 40 awards honor the up-and-coming movers and shakers of the pet industry. They all share a commitment to the growth of the pet industry, to professional excellence and to the community.

Here’s an excerpt from the feature in the December 2015 issue of Pet Age:

Company description: PetPaint makes all things “fun” for pets, from color sprays to doggie hair extensions.

Primary job function: Bring more people to the PetPaint community

Years in industry: 4

What inspired you to get into the pet industry? My dogs would not wear bulky costumes so in trying to find an outfit my dog did not know he was wearing PetPaint was developed. People’s overwhelming reactions to the PetPaint is what sparked the thought this could be a business.

What do you feel is your biggest contribution to the pet industry? We brought color to the everyday pet parent. If you want to paint your dog up for Halloween, a birthday party or just a day at the park, you can easily and safely do it with PetPaint.

What do you wish you had known earlier about the pet industry? Retail distribution channels and pricing strategy.

What would people be surprised to learn about you? I don’t know what people know about me already so that is hard to say. I’ve eaten dog food and it isn’t that nice, so throw them something good every once in a while.




We just love when our clients receive a deserved recognition! Nice work, Abe!