Kerry Joins Pet Age Magazine

It was such an honor to be asked to author a new, weekly pet industry public relations blog for one of the most well-known and respected trade magazines, Pet Age. I’m constantly humbled by the opportunity to work in such a fun industry, full of great people, and represent many of the most innovative, stylish, modern and high-quality pet brands.

On my new blog, Mark Your Territory, I’ll be sharing weekly pet industry and PR advice, as well as inspiration, dos and don’ts, and tips you can use to apply to your company’s marketing strategies. My goal is to provide pet industry insight on how to set your company apart, share what select companies are doing to make their mark in the public, and keep readers informed on what’s currently trending. Click here to read my first post, and check back weekly! This is going to be fun!!

Thanks again so much to Michelle, Jason and Craig for adding me to the Pet Age team!
